Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 11

April 13, 2023 AC

You might already know what a “single dog” (单身狗) and “food bird” (菜鸟) are, but this episode about celebrity dating and video games will certainly push you out of your comfort zone (unless you’re trying to stay in it. Then it…won’t...) For our learning tip today, try to listen to the whole episode one time through before you look at the vocab list. See if you can guess any of the words’ meaning from context! This will stick the new word in your memory better. 您正在收听的是《试说新语》,Learn to Speak the New Chinese。欢迎收听我们的第11集节目。今天我们要聊一聊一些用动物来形容的常用语和网络流行词,包括撒狗粮、单身狗、社牛、猫腻、小狼狗、菜鸟、放鸽子、猪队友等词。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
公开秀恩爱 gōngkāi xiùēn'ài – to publicly show affection
所谓的 suǒwèide – so-called
情侣 qínglǚ – lovers
角度 jiǎodù – point of view
根据 gēnjù – according to 
逻辑 luójí – logic 
尴尬 gāngà – awkward 
担心 dānxīn – worry
嘲笑 cháoxiào – ridicule 
天生 tiānshēng – inborn 
主角 zhǔjiǎo – spotlight
舞台 wǔtái – stage 
魅力四射 mèilìsìshè – glamorous  
气场强大 qìchǎng qiángdà – strong aura  
则 zé – expresses contrast with a previous sentence or clause
善于 shànyú – be good at 
特点 tèdiǎn: feature(s)
极限 jíxiàn – the upmost limits
社交牛逼症 shèjiāo niúbīzhèng – social OCD 
社交恐惧症shèjiāo kǒngjùzhèng – social phobia 
陌生人 mòshēngrén – stranger
向外界寻求认同 xiàngwàijiè xúnqiúrèntóng – seek outside recognition   
来源 láiyuán – origin 
老北京土话 lǎoběijīng tǔhuà – old Beijing dialect 
流传 liúchuán – pass on
漏洞 lòudòng – loophole
不合常理 bùhéchánglǐ – be repugnant to common sense 
怀疑 huáiyí – suspect 
见不得光 jiànbùdéguāng – can’t stand exposure to light 
暗箱操作 ànxiāngcāozuò – under table dealing 
帅气 shuàiqì – handsome 
霸气 bàqì – aggressiveness 
男友力爆棚 nányǒulì bàopéng – be packed with boyfriend’s power 
合同 hétóng – contract 
上当受骗 shàngdàngshòupiàn – be fobbed off 
赴约 fùyuē – go to fulfill an appointment 
食言 shíyán – break one’s word 
不明智 bùmíngzhì – unwise 
陷入困境 xiànrùkùnjìng – be in hot water 
俗语 súyǔ – colloquial saying 
司机 sījī – driver 
职场 zhíchǎng – workplace 
魔兽争霸III móshòuzhēngbàsān – warcraft III
差强人意 chāqiángrényì – just passable 
表现优异 biǎoxiànyōuyì – excellent performance 
神队友 shénduìyǒu – incredible teammate 
精彩解说 jīngcǎijiěshuō – wonderful commentary