Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 10

April 07, 2023 AC

How will the world tackle our energy needs of the future? You probably already talk about Tesla’s electric vehicles, Facebook’s virtual reality, and the “cloud” in English, but in this episode, we are going to give you the foundation you need to start talking about these things in Chinese. Trust us, wherever you go, these topics are just as popular to talk about there as they are here. 您正在收听的是《试说新语》,Learn to Speak the New Chinese。欢迎收听我们的第十集节目。今天我们要聊一聊一些最新的科技及其发展限制,涉及到的词包括黑科技、3D打印、电动车、锂电池、资本市场、概念炒作、虚拟现实、增强现实技术等。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
来源于 láiyuán yú – derived from
小说 xiǎoshuō – novel 
超越 chāoyuè – exceed
泛指 fànzhǐ – generally refer to
材料 cáiliào – materials
播客 bōkè – podcast 
专业 zhuānyè – major
机械工程 jīxiè gōngchéng – mechanical engineering 
运到 yùndào – transport to
产品 chǎnpǐn – product
设计 shèjì – design
研发 yánfā – research and development 
工程师 gōngchéngshī – engineer 
建模 jiànmó – modeling 
模型 móxíng – test piece model
生产 shēngchǎn – production 
制造 zhìzào – manufacture 
个性化 gèxìnghuà – personalized 
推动 tuīdòng – to push forward, promote 
工业时代 gōngyèshídài – Industrial Age
数字化 shùzìhuà – Digitalized 
转型 zhuǎnxíng – transformation 
企业qǐyè – enterprise 
文件 wénjiàn – document 
轻松 qīngsōng – easily 
样品 yàngpǐn – sample 
测试 cèshì – test
相对于 xiāngduìyú – compared to 
实体 shítǐ – entity 
零件 língjiàn – component 
存储 cúnchǔ – storage 
仓库 cāngkù – storehouse 
云端 yúnduān – the cloud 
读取dúqǔ – to read
缩短 suōduǎn  – shorten 
生产周期 shēngchǎnzhōuqī – production cycle 
供应链 gōngyìngliàn – supply chain 
高效 gāoxiào – high efficiency 
前景 qiánjǐng – prospect 
制约 zhìyuē – restrict 
因素 yīnsù – factor 
有限 yǒuxiàn – limited 
质量 zhìliàng – quality 
达到标准 dádàobiāozhǔn – up to standard 
人工智能 réngōngzhìnéng – artificial intelligence 
大规模 dàguīmó – massive 
智能化 zhìnénghuà – intelligent 
机器人 jīqìrén – robot 
充电 chōngdiàn – to charge 
锂离子电池 lǐ lízǐdiànchí – lithium lon battery
纯电动车 chún diàndòngchē – pure electric vehicle
容量 róngliàng – capacity
寿命 shòumìng – life span 
推出 tuīchū – roll out 
概念 gàiniàn – concept 
消费者 xiāofèizhě – consumer 
炒作 chǎozuò – hype 
获利 huòlì – profit 
尖端 jiānduān – cutting edge 
阶段 jiēduàn – stage 
融资 róngzī – financing 
亿 yì – 100 million 
骗局 piànjú – scam, swindle 
~款 ~kuǎn – ~model of 
投资人 tóuzīrén – investors
打水漂 dǎshuǐpiāo – in vain 
盲目 mángmù – blindly 
增强现实 zēngqiángxiànshí – augmented reality 
虚拟现实 xūnǐxiànshí – virtual reality 
头显设备 tóuxiǎnshèbèi – head-mounted display 
估计 gūjì – estimate 
上市 shàngshì – on the market