Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 9

March 29, 2023 AC

Lawyer and writer Amy Chua kickstarted viral feuds over parenting styles when she released “Battlehymn of the Tiger Mother”. It’s true that Asian and Western culture have some generic difference in their approach to parenting, but parenting styles vary family by family more than anything else. What are your thoughts on the best parenting approaches? Listen to this podcast’s discussion on spoiled children, tiger parenting, and adoption. 您正在收听的是《试说新语》Learn to speak the New Chinese,欢迎收听我们的第九集节目。今天我们要介绍的是一些与大陆育儿现象或政策有关的流行词,包括,晒娃、三孩政策、双减政策等。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
育儿 yù'ér – parenting 
现象 xiànxiàng – phenomenon
政策 zhèngcè – policy 
生育 shēngyù – give birth
江苏省无锡 jiāngsūshěng wúxī – Wuxi, Jiansu Province 
警察 jǐngchá – police 
孤儿院 gū'éryuàn – orphanage 
领养 lǐngyǎng – to adopt (a child) 
杨百翰大学yángbǎihàn dàxué – Brigham Young University
社交媒体 shèjiāo méitǐ – social media 
动态  dòngtài – dynamic 
朋友圈 péngyǒuquān – WeChat moments
炫耀 xuànyào – show off
奖励jiǎnglì – award
荣誉 róngyù – honor
亲朋好友 qīnpénghǎoyǒu – relatives and friends 
点赞diǎnzàn – give a thumbs-up
成就感chéngjiùgǎn – sense of achievement 
爆棚bàopéng – to be filled with [pride or confidence] 
新手爸妈xīnshǒubàmā – new parents 
沉浸chénjìn – to immerse 
全国性调查quánguóxìng diàochá – national wide survey 
透露tòulù – reveal, disclose 
信息xìnxī – information 
样貌yàngmào – appearance 
别有用心biéyǒuyòngxīn – ulterior motives 
利用 lìyòng – to use, utilize 
隐患yǐnhuàn – hidden danger 
涉及shèjí – involve 
权利quánlì – right 
未成年wèichéngnián – minor
保护法 bǎohùfǎ – protection law
大幅修订 dàfú xiūdìng – substaintially revised 
意识 yìshí – awareness
立法 lìfǎ – legislation 
萌照 méngzhào – cute photos
责任 zérèn – responsibility 
隐私 yǐnsī – privacy
缓解 huǎnjiě – to ease, alleviate 
老龄化 lǎolínghuà – aging 
负担 fùdān – burden 
辅导 fǔdǎo – tutorial 
培训 péixùn – training 
出台 chūtái – to officially launch (a policy, program, etc.) 
热搜 rèsōu – top search 
热烈 rèliè – warm [discussion]
反响 fǎnxiǎng – repercussions
弊端 bìduān – drawback
效果 xiàoguǒ – effect 
不明显 bùmíngxiǎn – not obvious 
小皇帝 xiǎohuángdì –  “little emperor” describing a spoiled child
小祖宗 xiǎozǔzōng – “little ancestor” describing a spoiled kid 
熊孩子 xióngháizi – a mean child
让人心烦ràngrén xīnfán – annoying 
不懂事 bùdǒngshì – immature  
破坏性 pòhuàixìng – destructive 
一胎照书养 yī tāi zhào shū yǎng – raising the first baby by book instructions 
二胎照猪养 èr tāi zhào zhū yǎng – raising the second baby a lot more casually (like raising a 'piggy')
鸡娃 jīwá – tiger parenting 
焦虑 jiāolǜ – anxiety, anxious 
偶尔 ǒu'ěr – occasionally 
晒~(幸福) shài ~(xìngfú) – to publicly display (happiness)