Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 8

March 23, 2023 AC

Are you more of a homebody or a granola kid who lives in the mountains? Today’s hosts have a variety of interests. Some enjoy escape rooms and camping, others prefer board games and swiping through social media. Either way, you’ll learn a ton of words you don’t know while they put everything in context for you. And if hearing so many unfamiliar words is overwhelming for you, here’s a tip; just pick 3-5 words to focus on implementing throughout the rest of your day. You don’t have to learn everything at once! 您正在收听的是《试说新语》,Learn to Speak the New Chinese。欢迎收听我们的第八集节目。今天我们要介绍一些台湾和大陆年轻人的娱乐方式,涉及到的一些词汇有宅,滑手机,刷微信,网美,网帅,网红,直播,下单,流媒体,Z 世代,旅居等。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
露营  lùyíng – camping
宅  zhái – homebody
打游戏 dǎ yóuxì – play games
刷 [手机、微信、抖音] – shuā [shǒujī, wēixìn, dǒu yīn] – swipe [mobile phone, WeChat, Douyin]
社交媒体 shèjiāoméitǐ – social media 
短视频  duǎn shìpín – short video 
数位时代 shùwèi shídài – digital era 
滑[手机、Instagram、脸书、YouTube]    huá – swipe [Mobile, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube]
网红[网美、网帅]    wǎnghóng [wǎng měi, wǎng shuài] – influencer [net beauty, net handsome guy]
博主  bózhǔ – blogger 
美食  měishí – gourmet food
美妆  měizhuāng – beauty makeup
闲来无事  xiánláiwúshì – have nothing to do
推特  tuītè – Twitter 
贴文[=推文] tiēwén [=tuīwén] – post [=tweet]
政客  zhèngkè – politician 
两岸  liǎng'àn – both sides of the strait 
动态  dòngtài – dynamic 
在线  zàixiàn – online 
连载小说 liánzǎi xiǎoshuō – serial novel 
网络写手 wǎngluò xiěshǒu – web writer 
Z 世代 Z shìdài – Generation Z
流媒体 liú méitǐ – stream media 
订阅  dìngyuè – subscribe, subscription 
平台  píngtái – platform 
追剧  zhuījù – chasing drama
直播  zhíbò – live streaming 
下单  xià dān – place an order 
足不出户 zúbùchūhù – stay indoors
亲近大自然 qīnjìn dàzìrán – close to nature 
热衷于 rèzhōng yú – keen on 
滑板  huábǎn – skateboard 
刺激  cìjī – exciting (for sports, games) 
潜水 qiánshuǐ – diving 
心仪 xīnyí – desirable 
节奏  jiézòu – rhythm 
放松身心 fàngsōng shēnxīn – relax  (body and mind) 
桌游 zhuō yóu – board game 
密室逃脱 mìshì táotuō – room escape 
剧本杀 jùběnshā – script kill 
扮演~角色  bànyǎn ~ juésè – to play ~ role 
推理  tuīlǐ – inference 
结尾  jiéwěi – ending 
精彩  jīngcǎi – brilliant, wonderful 
娱乐  yúlè – entertainment 
更新  gēngxīn – update
状态  zhuàngtài – state