Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 7

March 15, 2023 AC

Any computer scientists or business geniuses in our audience? This week’s episode covers code, semi-conductors, and global supply chain issues. In an ever-increasingly connected world, technology and global trade are continually at the forefront of our mind and media. Thanks for spending these five minutes with us today. 您正在收听的是《试说新语》Learn to speak the New Chinese,欢迎收听我们的第七集节目。今天我们要介绍的是一些科技相关词汇在大陆和台湾的对照,包括,电脑、计算机、软体、软件、晶片、芯片、奈米和纳米等词。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
科技 Kējì – technology
相关 xiāngguān – relative 
对照 duìzhào – cross reference 
专业 zhuānyè – major
全球供应链 quánqiú gōngyìng liàn – global supply chain 
管理 guǎnlǐ – management 
实用 shíyòng – pragmatic 
形势 xíngshì – circumstances  
支撑 zhīchēng – to prop up, sustain  
全球化 quánqiúhuà – globalization  
物资流通 wùzīliútōng – circulation of materials
制造 zhìzào – manufacture 
企业 qǐyè – enterprise 
资源 zīyuán –  resource 
销售 xiāoshòu: sale 
产品 chǎnpǐn –  product 
掌握 zhǎngwò – in control of 
代码 dàimǎ – code 
设计 shèjì – design 
维护 wéihù – maintain 
满足 mǎnzú: to satisfy 
系统 xìtǒng – system 
用户 yònghù – user, subscriber 
特别火 tèbiéhuǒ – very popular 
领域 lǐngyù – field, area
科学 kēxué – science 
既然 jìrán – this being the case
两岸 liǎng'àn – Mainland China and Taiwan
电子设备 diànzǐ shèbèi – electronic device 
厂商 chǎngshāng – manufactural 
技术 jìshù – technology, skill 
长度单位 chángdù dānwèi – unit of length 
先进 xiānjìn – advanced 
性能 xìngnéng – capability 
主流 zhǔliú – mainstream
复杂 fùzá – complex
半导体 bàndǎotǐ – semi-conductor 
供应商 gōngyìngshāng – supplier 
台积电 táijīdiàn – TSMC
尖端 jiānduān – most advanced 
即将推出 jíjiāng tuīchū – coming soon (soon to be released) 
亮相 liàngxiàng – debut 
疫情 yìqíng – epidemic 
因素 yìqíng – factor 
短缺 duǎnquē – shortage 
冲击 chōngjí – impact 
数字化 shùzìhuà – digitizing 
必需品 bìxūpǐn – necessity 
不可或缺 bùkěhuòquē – indispensable 
保障 bǎozhàng –  to ensure, safeguard 
稳定 wěndìng – stable 
格外 géwài – particularly 
精益求精 jīngyìqiújīng – seek for greater perfection 
大放异彩 dàfàngyìcǎi – show extraordinary talents