Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 6

March 10, 2023 AC

It’s tough to understand a language without being familiar with its internet slang. Can you imagine understanding any English social media if you didn’t know what OMG, LOL, or TIL meant? Tune in to this week’s podcast and learn how to use some colloquial phrases in a discussion that touches upon AI, straight A students, and the Buddhist realm.  您正在收听的是《试说新语》Learn to speak the New Chinese,欢迎收听我们的第六集节目。今天我们要介绍的是一些与大陆社会现象有关的网络流行词,包括,内卷、躺平、鸡娃和佛系等词。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
热词 rècí – popular words
态度 tàidù – attitude
意味着 yìwèizhe – mean, imply 
有限的 yǒuxiànde – limited 
资源 zīyuán – resource
取消 qǔxiāo – cancel 
课外培训机构kèwài péixùn jīgòu – extracurricular training institutions
职场 zhíchǎng – workplace
人工智能 réngōng zhìnéng – artificial intelligence 
竞争 jìngzhēng – compete, competition 
把活儿交给机器人干 bǎ huóer jiāogěi jīqìrén gàn –leave the work to robots
脱口秀 tuōkǒuxiù – talk show
演员 yǎnyuán – actor
亏 kuī – get the short end of the stick
佩服 pèifú –admire 
流行词 liúxíngcí – buzzword
字面上 zìmiàn shàng – literally 
打鸡血 dǎjīxuè – to fire someone up  
拼搏 pīnbó – to go all out 
民间 mínjiān – among the people 
疗法 liáofǎ – therapy 
流传至今liúchuán zhìjīn – down through the ages
望子成龙望女成凤 wàngzǐchénglóng wàngnǚchéngfèng – hope one’s children will have a bright future
平庸 píngyōng – mediocre
太过了 tàiguòle – too much 
一考定终身 yīkǎo dìngzhōngshēn – a lifetime is determined by an exam 
不计其数 bùjìqíshù – countless 
参与 cānyù – participate 
幼儿园 yòu'éryuán – kindergarden 
加减乘除 jiā jiǎn chéngchú – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
危害 wēihài – harm 
节奏 jiézòu – rhythm 
学霸 xuébà – straight A student
凡事看得很淡 fánshì kànde hěndàn – care little about everything 
佛祖境界 fózǔ jìngjiè – Buddhist realm 
衍生出 yǎnshēng chū – derive 
一系列 yīxìliè – a series of 
既不~也不~ jì bù ~yě bù ~ – neither ~ nor ~
无欲无求 wúyùwúqiú – no desire, no demand 
提倡 tíchàng – promote, advocate 
尽力而为 jìnlìérwéi – do one’s best
过分担心 guòfèn dānxīn – overly worried 
输赢 shūyíng – lose or win 
有个度 yǒugèdù – do things in a proper way