Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 5

February 28, 2023 AC

Are you a music fan? We are too. Episode 5 in Speaking the New Chinese discusses different genres of music, notable music awards, and even features mini sound bites of some of our hosts’ favorite tunes. After you listen to this episode, leave some of your favorite Chinese musicians in the comments so other listeners can get more recommendations! 您正在收听的是《试说新语》Learn to speak the New Chinese,欢迎收听我们的第五集节目。今天我们要介绍的是一些在香港和大陆比较受欢迎的歌手与歌曲,以及与之相关的流行词汇,如很火、点击率、出道、选秀、创作型歌手、网络用语“路转粉”等。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
很火 hěnhuǒ – very popular 
乐队 yuèduì – band 
正式出道 zhèngshì chūdào – officially engage in this profession
迅速走红xùnsù zǒuhóng – quickly become popular 
点击率diǎnjīlǜ – clicking rate
十大金曲奖shídà jīnqǔjiǎng – top 10 Golden Melody Awards
演唱者 yǎnchàngzhě – singer 
创作型歌手 chuàngzuòxíng gēshǒu – singer-songwriter 
火遍了全国 huǒbiànle quánguó – popular all over the country 
国际 guójì – international 
奖项 jiǎngxiàng – award
播放量 bòfàngliàng – times being played
华语歌曲 huáyǔgēqǔ – Chinese songs
特色 tèsè – distinguishing feature 
代表作 dàibiǎozuò – masterpiece 
民谣 mínyáo – folk-song 
摇滚乐 yáogǔnyuè – rock-n-roll
教父 jiàofù – godfather 
传唱度 chuánchàngdù – degree of spreading the song 
男护士 nánhùshì – male nurse 
选秀节目 xuǎnxiù jiémù – talent show 
总冠军 zǒngguànjūn – overall champion 
大街小巷 dàjiēxiǎoxiàng – streets and alleys 
春节晚会 chūnjiéwǎnhuì – Spring Festival Gala
情歌 qínggē – love song 
伤感 shānggǎn – sad
浪漫 làngmàn – romantic 
幽默 yōumò – humor 
搞笑 gǎoxiào – funny 
言论 yánlùn – speech