Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 4

February 15, 2023 AC Season 1 Episode 4

The 2023 American Superbowl featured the Kansas City Chiefs taking on the Philadelphia Eagles. This episode strips football down to its bare elements and gives you the tools you need to talk about every aspect of the game. With dozens of sport-specific vocabulary words, much of it will easily transition to conversations about other sports as well. Game on! 您正在收听的是《试说新语》Learn to speak the New Chinese 欢迎收听我们的第四集节目,今天我们要介绍的是美式足球比赛时的一些术语,包括 Super bowl, offense, defense, 1st down to 4th down, interception, turnovers, touch down 和 field goals 等词。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
美式足球 měishì zúqiú - football
术语 shùyǔ – technical terms
精彩 jīngcǎi – exciting [game]
战胜 zhànshèng – defeat
夺冠duóguàn – win the champion (冠=冠军 guànjūn: champion)
超级碗/超级杯 chāojí wǎn/chāojí bēi – Super Bowl
防守 fángshǒu – defense
进攻 jìngōng – offense
码mǎ – yard
拦截/抄截 lánjié/chāojié – interception
失误 shīwù – turnover
达阵得分 dázhèn défēn – touchdown
射门得分 shèmén défēn – fieldgoal
上半场 shàng bànchǎng – the 1st half
下半场 xiàbànchǎng – the 2nd half
落后 luòhòu – trail
平手 píngshǒu – tie
酋长队 qiúzhǎngduì – Chiefs [team]
延长赛/加时赛 yáncháng sài/jiāshí sài – overtime
赢得 yíngdé – to win
险胜 xiǎnshèng – nail-biting victory 
规定 guīdìng – rule(s)
裁判 cáipàn – referee 
扔 rēng – throw
移动 yídòng – to move
非法 fēifǎ – illegal 
阻挡 zǔdǎng – to block
越位 yuèwèi – offside
犯规 fànguī – foul
违规 wéiguī – violation
擒抱对手 qínbào duìshǒu – tackle opponent 
拉面罩 lā miànzhào – facemasking
用头盔拦截对方 yòng tóukuī lánjié duìfāng – targeting