Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 3

February 08, 2023 AC Season 1 Episode 3

With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, we got you covered. If you’re single and wishing you weren’t, find out how to use the Chinese equivalent of “green with envy”. We’ll also be talking about K-dramas, eccentricities of Chinese TV, and “roast” culture—yep, you heard that right. 今天我们要介绍的是几个两岸出现的特别词语,其中包括粉丝、圈粉、机车、龟毛、弹幕、酸民、吐槽、网络喷子和斗内与打赏等词。 

Vocabulary from this episode: 
情人节 (qíngrénjié) - Valentine's Day
追星族 (zhuīxīngzú) - fans, "groupies", followers
社交网络 (shèjiāo wǎngluò) - social network
博主(bózhǔ) - a blogger
空间主 (kōngjiānzhǔ) - owner of a website domain  
偶像剧 ǒuxiàngjù - a TV drama (e.g., K-dramas)
很挑 (hěn tiāo) - very picky
脏话 zànghuà - bad language (swear words/crass)
演变 (yǎnbiàn) - evolution
文雅 (wényǎ) - elegant
啰嗦 (luōsuo) - long-winded
在意 (zàiyì) - to care (about sth./someone)
细节 xìjié - details
负面 (fùmiàn) - negative
看剧 (kànjù) - watch TV shows (=看电视剧)
评论 (pínglùn) - comments
弹幕 (dànmù) - a barrage of comments
功能 (gōngnéng) - functions
吐槽 (tùcáo) - to “roast” sb.
酸溜溜 (suānliūliū) - "green with envy", sour
恶意指责 (èyì zhǐzé) - to criticize with ill intentions
攻击 (gōngjī) - to attack
键盘侠 (jiànpánxiá) - "keyboard warrior"
血口喷人 (xuèkǒupēnrén) - to make unfounded/malicious attacks against sb.
赞助 (zànzhù) - to sponsor
音译 (yīnyì) - a transliteration
捐款 (juānkuǎn) - a donation
奖赏 (jiǎngshǎng) - a reward
酷 (kù) - cool (a transliteration from English)
活学活用 (huóxuéhuóyòng) - to use things as you learn them