Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 2

February 01, 2023 AC Season 1 Episode 2

You already know the basics of Chinese, and now it’s time to supplement that. We’ll start by covering some number combos that carry double meanings in Chinese. And if you don’t already know how to say “mental calculations”, “take a wild guess”, or “secret agent”, this episode will put them in context for you so you can spice up your next Chinese conversation. After all, you wouldn’t want to 出洋相 (make a fool of yourself). 今天我们介绍的是一些用数字来表达的网络新词语及带数字的俗语,包括 2121、 520、1314、996、007、985、211 和心里的小九九,等等。

Vocabulary from this episode: 
俗语 (súyǔ) -  a colloquial saying
不三不四 (bùsānbùsì) - dubious
互联网 (hùliánwǎng) - the Internet
企业 (qǐyè) - a business enterprise
盛行 (shèngxíng) - prevalent
加班文化 (jiābān wénhuà) - work overtime culture
狠 (hěn) - ruthless
弹性 (tánxìng)- flexible; flexibility 
工作制 (gōngzuòzhì) - work system
调侃 (tiáokǎn) - ridicule
残忍 (cánrěn) - cruel
特工 (tègōng) - secret agent
瞎猜 (xiācāi ) - to make a wild guess
出洋相 (chūyángxiāng) - to make a fool of oneself
重点大学 (zhòngdiǎn dàxué) - key universities
社会认可度 (shèhuì rènkědù) - degree of social acceptance
稍逊于 (shāoxùnyú) - slightly inferior to
先进水平 (xiānjìn shuǐpíng) - advanced level
一流 (yīliú) - first class
心中打的小算盘 (xīnzhōng dǎ de xiǎosuànpán) - mental calculations
小心思 (xiǎoxīnsī ) - someone who has a lot of self-interest ideas
私心 (sīxīn) - selfish motives