Speaking the New Chinese

Learn to Speak the New Chinese_Episode 1

January 31, 2023 AC Season 1 Episode 1

Having recently left the worst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, being able to talk about the disease and its impact is still a critical tool for any Chinese speaker. If you want to know how to ask someone if they have tested positive for COVID (or any other disease) and discuss its societal impact, then this pilot episode has got you covered. 这一集我们介绍的是疫情发生后,在中国及香港出现的新词语,包括普通话的 "阳了”、“阳过”、“阳康”和“小阴人”,广东话的“逆行者”以及“保就业”。

Vocabulary from this episode:
前途似锦 (qiántúsìjǐn) - a bright future
谐音 (xiéyīn) - to have the similar pronunciation
吉祥话 (jíxiánghuà) - a blessing/well wishes (think weddings and important events)
疫情 (yìqíng) - the situation of the epidemic (in a certain location)
流行 (liúxíng) - to widely spread (also popular/prevalent)
新冠病毒 (xīnguānbìngdú) - COVID-19
核酸检测 (hésuānjiǎncè) - nucleic acid test (for COVID tests, RNA specifically)
呈阳性 (chéngyángxìng) - to test positive
呈阴性 (chéngyīnxìng) - to test negative
解封 (jiěfēng) - to end a lockdown 
打趣 (dǎ qù) - to make fun of, to tease/banter
清零 (qīnglíng) - to reset sth., to clear memory/data (e.g., zero COVID-19)
不可缺少 (bùkěquēshǎo) - indispensable
问候 (wènhòu) - to send one's regards
感染 (gǎnrǎn) - to infect
戴口罩 (dài kǒuzhào) - to wear a mask
抵抗力 (dǐkànglì) - immunity
逆行者 (nìxíngzhě) - rebels, people who act in opposition
保就业 (bǎo jiùyè) - protect employment
避免 (bìmiǎn) - to avoid
接触 (jiēchù) - to come into contact with (e.g., some disease)
致力于 (zhìlìyú) - to devote/dedicate oneself to sth.
患者 (huànzhě) - a patient
补充 (bǔchōng) - to replenish (supplement/complementary)
武侠小说 (wǔxiá xiǎoshuō) - a kung fu novel
网络新梗 (wǎngluò xīngěng) - a meme (梗 can also be used by itself)